Heather  Clarke

Heather Clarke

Heather Clarke, Executive Coach

Heather helps leaders increase their personal and professional impact in ways that produce sustainable and rewarding results. Her mission is to be a catalyst for leaders and teams to create inspiring and highly successful companies through leveraging people’s natural talents and strengths. Heather accomplishes this by getting curious, challenging current reality and bringing tough issues to the surface in order to explore new possibilities.

Heather is a seasoned coach and entrepreneur who believes whole-heartedly that nurturing the human spirit makes good business and social sense. Heather uses her extensive business experience paired with her social services background to help CEO’s and senior executives understand how being an expert in 'relationships' can help them excel in their business and personal goals. Her management experience in both the private and non-profit sectors brings a depth of knowledge to her coaching relationships in the areas of Visioning, Change Management, Succession Planning, Executive Development, Team Effectiveness, and Career Advancement.

Along with running a successful coaching & corporate training company, Heather’s entrepreneurial spirit coupled with her sense of social justice lead her to create a company that focussed on assisting injured workers who needed to transition their careers. For 7 years she, along with a stellar team of professional trainers, assisted hundreds of individuals discover their strengths, passions and abilities in order to move on to satisfying new careers.

Heather's social media coordinates are: @heatherclarke14, LinkedIn: ca.linkedin.com/in/hccoach and email: heather@hccoach.ca