Carol  Multack

Carol Multack

Vet2Tech CEO and President, Carol Multack was stunned by the unemployment statistics of the veteran population, especially Post 9/11 veterans and felt compelled to find a pragmatic solution to the problem. Diligent market research led her to an industry where a desperate need for skilled workers exists. The manufacturing industry faces a nationwide shortage of skilled workers.

As U.S. manufacturing begins rebuilding, veterans can play a critical role in bridging the gap. Veterans are well trained for careers in electrical, mechanical and industrial engineering, welding, assembly, machining, electrical installation/repair, HVAC, technical support, information technology and logistics to name just a few. These careers offer veterans the opportunity to become an integral part of the solution of reestablishing a strong foundation for U.S. manufacturing. Helping veterans establish themselves in the civilian workforce after serving in the Armed Forces is a joint effort between Vet2Tech, manufacturing and service associations, and veteran outreach programs nationwide.

Ms. Multack is an active participant in national and local veteran hiring initiatives such as First Lady Michelle Obama’s and Dr. Jill Biden’s Joining Forces, Illinois Joining Forces, and the national Get Skills to Work coalition.

Ms. Multack received her Bachelor of Arts in English from Northern Illinois University, and received an internship nomination for the White House Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs.