David Wolfe

David Wolfe

The rock star of the superfoods and longevity world, America’s TOP CEOs, Global Ambassadors, Hollywood celebrities, busy professionals, and even the most powerful buying influence in the nation—Moms—all look to David for expert advice in health, beauty, herbalism, nutrition and chocolate! With over 20 years of dedicated experience and understanding of the inner workings of the human body, David is a true living master of what it means to “walk the talk” on the road to higher and higher levels of natural beauty, vibrant health, and peak performance.

David is the author of many best-selling books including Eating for Beauty, The Sunfood Diet Success System, Naked Chocolate, Amazing Grace, Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future, Chaga: King of the Medicinal Mushrooms, and Longevity Now shares a multi-faceted approach to rejuvenation, beauty and radiant health. David empowers and inspires people to take charge of their own health. David’s celebrity fan base includes Woody Harrelson, model Carol Alt, artist Justin Bua, artists Alex & Allyson Grey, Anthony Robbins and many others. A highly sought after health and personal success speaker, David has given over 2500 live lecture events in the past 20 years.

Today, David Wolfe continues to share the stage in the company of Anthony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, Buzz Aldrin, T. Harv Eker, Brian Tracy, and many more. A gourmet chocolatier, David is a passionate proponent of the healing and beautifying power of raw chocolate. By bringing raw cacao beans products into mainstream distribution throughout North America, David has continued to promote the economies of indigenous cultures through ethical business. Raw chocolate is the greatest, most prosperous, nutritious, mood-elevating, highest energizing, and top weight loss aphrodisiac food on the planet! To enjoy David’s exotic chocolate visit: www.sacredchocolate.com