Dan  Waltz

Dan Waltz

Dan Waltz assists clients who engage in cross-border transfers of goods and technology. He also monitors continuing changes in U.S. foreign and trade policies and helps clients anticipate and adapt to ever-changing U.S. legal and regulatory requirements as they affect international trade. His clients range from small importers and exporters to large multinationals headquartered both inside and outside the United States. Dan focuses on the policies and regulations imposed by the United States that seek to sanction or embargo foreign countries such as Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Burma. He assists clients in obtaining licenses, counsels them with respect to changing U.S. policy, and represents them in enforcement proceedings. He has also worked to change U.S. policies with respect to certain embargoes, sometimes incrementally in connection with a single license application, and sometimes more broadly, as with the U.S. embargo of Cuba. See more at http://www.pattonboggs.com/professional/daniel-waltz