Kaihan Krippendorff

Kaihan Krippendorff

Kaihan Krippendorff is the CEO of Outthinker LLC (www.outthinker.com), a former McKinsey consultant andauthor of four business strategy books (most recently "Outthink the Competition"). He writes one of the most popular blogs on Fastcompany.com and is the founder of the Outthinker Network, a global community of creative innovators.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohammad Yunus has said, "Kaihan shows that with a compelling idea anyone can change the world" and that message has made Kaihan one of the most sought-after public speakers on the topics of business, strategy, and innovation. Through his firm, Outthinker, he helps leading firms including Red Bull, Microsoft, VMware, Nestle Purina, L'Oreal, TIAA-CREF, Aetna, Experian, Johnson & Johnson, and Citibank reach strategic clarity and build strategic-thinking capacity.

He earned his MBA at Columbia Business School, his BS in Finance from Wharton Business School, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.