Michael J. Leslie

Michael J. Leslie

Michael J. Leslie is a Los Angeles-based composer and orchestrator in the film and television industry. He began learning piano at the age of 7. At High School, he performed 11 different instruments ranging from brass, woodwinds, guitar & piano. By the time he finished college, Michael had scored over two dozen student films, radio & commercial jingles.

Michael has worked with numerous music heavyweights, including musical icon Quincy Jones. Under Quincy's mentorship, Michael learned the record business, conducting and the techniques of scoring to picture. He also worked closely with Mike Post, scoring several episodes of Law & Order: SVU.

Michael performs the majority of instruments heard in his songs and is skilled in many styles & genres ranging from orchestral to rock. He has several theatrical trailers, TV promos, theme park attractions music and over 30 ad and radio jingles under his belt. His music has been heard on NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, A&E, TLC and The History Channel.