Bruce  Starr

Bruce Starr

The LUVCOACH Bruce Starr, is an Internationally known Speaker and Workshop Facilitator, Radio Personality and Television Producer, Author, Relationship Coach and Match Maker for C-Suite. For over 38 years Bruce has been on a self-study journey studying several different philosophies on life and has helped a countless number of people. He has helped people from repeating mistakes, breaking negative patterns that have prevented them from having a great, loving, warm, kind and exciting relationship as well as having assisted many in feeling deserving of having love. Bruce has studied the Course in Miracles with Marianne Williamson; traveled the country with Saul Steinberg, the original Publisher of a Course in Miracles; has attended the Agape Church of Rev. Michael Beckwith, who has appeared on The Secret and Dr. Oz; was personally mentored by Dr. Pat Allen, Adviser on The Millionaire Matchmaker with Patty Stanger, and has had the privilege to rub shoulders with many others who have been in the public eye for years. The LUVCOACH has, and will continue to, dedicate his life to helping people return to what each and every person craves, but has run from. He knows love is all there is and that everything else is just a distraction from why we all came to this place we call planet earth, which is to love and be loved in return.