Colleen Mauro

Colleen Mauro

Colleen Mauro was the founder and editor-in-chief of Intuition Magazine. Her thirty years of experience in magazine publishing includes work as a publisher, editor, advertising director, and circulation and marketing consultant. A life-long interest in the untapped powers of the mind led to the launch of Intuition Magazine in 1988. Intuition explored the higher potential of the mind and the many and varied ways of knowing—intuition, inspiration and telepathy—providing both research and how-to information in easy-to-read form for the general reader. Colleen Mauro has now released a book called Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul. In this book, she describes the evolutionary journey we are on as a species, learning to access the wisdom of our soul and of the higher, subtle worlds that exist beyond this physical world. Colleen can be reached at