Savanna Pietrantonio
Savanna Pietrantonio is a Life Strategy Coach helping people across the globe support FASD. She co-chairs the Hamilton FASD Caregiver and Parent Support Group and supports the newly launched Youth and Siblings FASD Support Group. She is an adult living with FASD. She recognized that she had FASD only when she turned 35 after having been repeatedly misdiagnosed. Owing to the misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment she struggled over the years with the common secondary or tertiary disabilities of FASD. She has taken mindfulness training, dialectal behavior therapy training and Diane Malbin’s Neurobehavioral training programs. She uses this training to help her cope with FASD and also help others understand and support FASD. She wrote a blog on the reasons for meltdowns that is used by FASD support sites across the globe, Her blog has been described as explaining the reasons for meltdowns in a manner that none of the professionals have ever been able to do!