Michele  Rosenthal

Michele Rosenthal

Michele Rosenthal is a bestselling author and certified professional coach. She is a former faculty member of the Clinical Development Institute for Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center and the founder of HealMyPTSD.com. She is also a trauma survivor who struggled with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for over twenty-five years before making a full recovery. In her role as a mental health advocate Michele is the winner of the Survivor Advocate Award (Mending Broken) and finalist for the Health Activist Hero Award (WEGO Health). She has also made frequent media appearances. Michele’s books include the recovery memoir, Before The World Intruded: Conquering the Past and Creating the Future, (selected as a finalist for the Books For A Better Life Award, Next Generation Indie Book Award, and the International Book Award); Your Life After Trauma: Powerful Practices for Reclaiming Your Identity; and Heal Your PTSD: Dynamic Strategies that Work.