Jessica Luibrand

Jessica Luibrand

Jessica Luibrand attended Grand Valley State University where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences, minoring in Biology and Sociology. On graduating, Jessica worked as a Holistic Health Educator, a writer teaching people how to take control of their health. Jessica is now the Chief Clinical Thermographer and Subtle Energy Researcher at Psy-Tek Subtle Energy Laboratory. Jessica was introduced to natural medicine and energy healing after conventional medicine left her ill with no solutions. This led her to natural and energy healing, and in turn to Pranic Healing. Under advanced Pranic Healer, Dr. Mary Clark, Jessica completed all five levels of Pranic Healing. As an energy healer, researcher, educator and thermographer Jessica combined her passions to truly help improve people’s lives, inside and out. Jess now studies at the California Institute for Human Science for her Master’s Degree in Integral Health.