Red Bird Woman

Red Bird Woman

Woman was born in 1951 in Anaconda, Montana and moved to Chico, California in 1953. After graduating from high school, she enlisted in the Navy in November of 1969. After marrying an enlisted man, Red Bird was later released from active duty in 1973 to give birth to their son. During the birth, Red Bird had a near death experience, which helped bring forward her wisdom and gifts. In 1980, Red Bird found a new home in Port Hueneme, California, where she began a new career assisting in classrooms and then as a Librarian at an elementary school. In 2010, Red Bird experienced a spiritual re-birth in Hawaii. This re-birthing experience along with the 1973 near-death experience offered opportunities and experiences that further awakened her gifts of collaborating with sound and working with Andara Crystals as tools to open others to their ability to heal, nourish, and align themselves with their self-mastery. Email: Web Site: