Lindsey Boggs

Lindsey Boggs

Lindsey Boggs is a sales leader at Citrix, who has had experience with all types of companies from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Using LinkedIn to prospect became Lindsey's gold mine early in her sales career and secret sauce and her strategies and tactics were picked up across the country where she was able to grow her personal brand on LinkedIn and ultimately got LinkedIn's attention. In 2015, Lindsey wrote an article that went viral on LinkedIn and she was awarded the highest "Social Selling Index" score and shared a stage with Shaquille O'Neal accepting her award. Now, Lindsey is a sales leader at Citrix where she coaches sales reps on how to prospect, how to build their brand, and all things LinkedIn. In 2018 she did a TEDx talk about her world falling apart after her sister Melissa died unexpectedly. She is very passionate about mental health and co-founded a non-profit called