Dr. Judith Kravitz

Dr. Judith Kravitz

Dr. Judith Kravitz first experienced conscious breathwork in the mid-seventies through the breathing practice known as Rebirthing. This type of breathwork, (or breath work), was designed to release various traumas sustained by individuals during birth. She was then guided to combine conscious breathwork with her healing practice as a counseling minister. As Judith began breathwork with her clients, she had insights to make it more effective, powerful and lasting. Over time enough changes were made in the form, consciousness, techniques and intention of her practice of breathwork that she named the new process Transformational Breath. Today, Transformational Breath is taught and experienced as a powerful self-healing modality. Judith has integrated various principles from her doctoral studies in metaphysics, Kundalini Yoga, breath analysis, sound healing, body mapping plus other healing and spiritual principles into the most therapeutic Breathwork training system known today.