Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner is the Chief Ambassador for Yoga Alliance, the largest non-profit association of yoga teachers in the world. Andrew has experienced every facet of the yoga multiverse - from spending 4 years in a commune-esque "yoga home", to doing the private lessons "yoga hustle", to owning an operating a chain of boutique yoga studios, to managing a $6 million budget for Kripalu's Schools of Yoga and Ayurveda. In 2012, he co-wrote the book So You Want to Open a Yoga Studio, a defacto business plan for hundreds of yoga studios around the world. As a consultant and public speaker, he has offered business development advice to boutique yoga studios, national fitness chains like PURE Yoga, tech companies that serve the wellness industry such as MINDBODY, and major organizations like Yoga Alliance and the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. Andrew keeps a finger on the pulse of the yoga, wellness, and tech worlds in order to be a steward for the industry. Learn more at