Bridget Karlin

Bridget Karlin

Bridget Karlin is the Managing Director of the Internet of Things (IoT) Strategy and Technology Office at Intel Corporation. She is responsible for Intel’s IoT Platform Product Marketing and for managing the IoT commercialization and product marketing strategy across Intel's assets, including development of strategic business objectives, driving industry and partner marketing alignment to deliver foundational IoT technologies for IoT solutions and services. Bridget also works closely with global government agencies and organizations to help drive policy and programs that leverage IoT to deliver value through business and social transformation across a global marketplace. Previously, Bridget served as the General Manager of the Intel Hybrid Cloud business, managed Intel’s Datacenter Software portfolio synergies, held executive management positions with CompuCom, KPN/Getronics, Redleaf Venture Capital, Union Bank, and was President and co-founder of Thinque Systems.