Sonia Trejo

Sonia Trejo

A Health & Wellness Coach and Patient Advocate, Sónia’s expertise is to empower and motivate entrepreneur women struggling with chronic pain, fatigue and foggy brain from stress or other autoimmune illness. These challenges can offer opportunities to live a Happier, Healthier, Joyful life! After receiving a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in 1995 and told by physicians that statistically she would be in a wheel chair and blind within 10 years. She retired from her 23-year fashion design career to study health and wellness. Today, her only chair with two wheels is her bicycle! Sónia is an in-demand motivational speaker and co-author of Contagious Optimism and Succeeding Through Doubt, Fear and Crisis. She is also a certified Pilates instructor, personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, an energy healing practitioner and nutrition consultant. Sonia takes a Whole Person approach to help you achieve optimal Health & Happiness!