Adam  Powers

Adam Powers

Adam is a 31-year old California native who’s lived in San Diego for the better part of a decade, and would move to Berlin or Vancouver but for having all the community she could ever hope for right here. She’s identified as queer, polyamorous, and transgender for just about two years, marking a sudden shift from being mostly-cis, mostly-straight, mostly-monogamous, and mostly-male. She both attended and currently works at UC San Diego, where she studied design and cognitive science, and has spent a good part of her professional life trying to reconcile her deep and abiding loves of both people and technology. She organizes two poly meetup groups, one discussion-based and the other a social mixer, both fully inclusive of all genders, sexualities, and relationship styles. You can find out more about the San Diego polyamory scene at She posts primarily on Medium under @adampowers, or on her website at