Peter Armstrong
Senior Director of Museum Operations and Education, Peter Armstrong, is an internationally known leader in the museum profession with more than 25 years of experience in museum work. He came to the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation from the UK’s National Museum of Arms and Armour, where he was creative development and commercial director. Peter was also project manager for capital improvements at Fort Nelson, winner of a Royal Institute of British Architects conservation award. In 2014 he moved to the US for the post of senior director at the Jamestown and Yorktown museums in Virginia where he promotes social issues such as immigration and liberty at the sites of the first arrival of the English to America, and final battle of the American Revolution. He is currently leading the transition from the Yorktown Victory Center, a small museum with living history areas, into a new, state of the art, $50 million development, the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown which opens in April 2017.