Andrea  Herzberg

Andrea Herzberg

Andrea Herzberg is a 20-year survivor of late-stage ovarian cancer. She was diagnosed at age 39. Born in Brooklyn and educated in public schools, Andrea graduated from the State University of New York at Albany. As a news reporter, she worked for the Troy (New York) Times Record and United Press International. Her second career was in community policing. She retired as a sergeant from the Special Victims Division in 2011 after 26 years of diverse assignments with the NYPD. Now, as coordinator of SHARE’s toll-free ovarian helpline, Andrea recruits and trains volunteers who are both compassionate listeners and passionate about helping callers find information, support and hope. Andrea feels privileged to know these women who use their own experiences with a life-threatening illness to help others. Her husband, Andrew, a professor of English literature, facilitates SHARE’s caregiver support group. The couple has a daughter who works in theater production.