Candy  Hozza

Candy Hozza

Candy Hooza is a medium who began connecting with her angles in 1996. In 2011 she was introduced to the Akashic Records while she was being coached. Candy took many classes and became certified to connect to her Record Keeper. She learned how to create intentions and heal herself while in the records. She made successful transitions and started to trust the power of working in the Akashic Records. Candy was told by her Record Keepers that she would read for others. She practiced for 6 months before she was certified and confident to do her first reading with a client. Candy writes, “I am so grateful to see my clients heal and the personal joys that they received from their healing in the records. I am grateful that I committed to this journey and feel so blessed to serve my clients in healing and being powerful creators of their lives that they so deserve.”