Matt  Riemann

Matt Riemann

Matt Riemann, founder of the Ultimate Human Foundation, devoted to transforming world health. He is an author, educator & leading expert in personalized health & prevention of chronic pain. Matt’s successful career as a physical therapist working with Olympic athletes was interrupted by a genetic disease. Working with geneticists & researchers, he learned of epigenetics & the activation of our genes. Epigenetic factors include diet, exercise, stress, & our environment. “If genes can be triggered or turned on to cause my disease, how can they be turned off?” This is where art & science of the human body meet: the door to the wisdom within. Matt is launching a Personalized Health Revolution with an online platform, ph360, to provide personalized insights for optimal, individual well-being. Join Cheryl Esposito & Matt Riemann on this episode of Leading Conversations radio and learn to unlock the door to discover the wisdom within!