Naim  El-Aswad, MD

Naim El-Aswad, MD

Is your doctor burnt out? Dr. Naim El-Aswad is American Board Certified in Internal Medicine. He has specialized in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine for over 15 years. He practices both disciplines in Houston Texas. Dr. El-Aswad has done care and wellness of patients, but has also been very active in teaching and training other healthcare workers including physicians, paramedical personnel and nurses. As a co-founder of Vital Signs Vital Skills, he is the Chief Medical Officer. Dr. El-Aswad is currently developing a program that targets physician wellbeing. He has lectured throughout the United States to students, residents and attendings. His passion and his mission is to help develop the best possible physician patient relationship which he believes is still and will always be the basis, the nature and the driving force of the medical field. Hear about the physician challenges and how to prevent burnout.