Amy Van Atta  Slater

Amy Van Atta Slater

Amy Slater, Founder and CEO of Amy Slater Consulting, has more than 25 years of leadership and global sales experience, with an unyielding focus on customer value and expertise in business and marketing transformation through technology. Amy provides personal and professional coaching services to create an integrated life fueled by the power of positivity and authenticity. She’s a sought after speaker on building your professional brand and leading through the cultivation of culture. Amy is a member of Advancing Women Executives (AWE) and Women in Technology International (WITI). She is also an Amazon best-selling author of Moments: Magic, Miracles, and Martinis. How to move forward in times of uncertainty. She holds an undergraduate degree in political science and economics from the University of California, Berkeley. She and her three daughters live in the San Francisco Bay Area.