Jonathan  Owen

Jonathan Owen

Co-Founder of Special Hunting Weapons And Tactics™, Jonathan Owen didn’t grow up hunting. The 4-H shooting sports program opened the door to shooting basic air rifles on an improvised range set up inside his parents’ house. After college, a friend invited Jonathan to go white tail hunting in Texas. After five freezing outings cloaked in unbroken silence with seemingly no deer in the same zip code, Jonathan concluded hunting wasn’t for him. Some years later Jonathan got dragged out on a hog hunt, the kind where a Texas farmer is on a mission to rid his golden wheat fields of feral hogs. The kind of hunt where an AR-15 and 30 round magazines are much more reasonable than grandpa’s .30-06. The excitement around that experience ultimately lead to the creation of where contributors and fans share the enjoyment of shooting, hunting, adventure and the technology that enhances it.