Lorinda  Hern, Rhino  Rescue Project

Lorinda Hern, Rhino Rescue Project

Lorinda’s interest in the rhino poaching crisis was prompted by a poaching incident on her family’s property in 2010. Having grown up with the rhinos on the property, the loss was deeply shocking and Lorinda set out to find a proactive anti-poaching solution. She decided to partner with Dr. Charles van Niekerk, who was already investigating rhino horn infusion when she approached him in 2011. Lorinda works full-time on the Rhino Rescue Project. She has Masters degree in Strategic Marketing Management from the University of Pretoria (UP) as well as a research doctorate (PhD) in the same field. She still lectures part-time at the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at UP. http://rhinorescueproject.org/, rhinorescueproject@gmail.com, lorinda@rhinorescueproject.co.za, vet@rhinorescueproject.co.za