Dr Peter  Joseph

Dr Peter Joseph

Dr. Peter Joseph is a recently retired emergency physician who says he’s now working on the mother of all emergencies -- climate change. He leads the Marin County chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a rapidly growing grassroots volunteer organization based in Coronado, California. Their mission is to help the US Congress enact a revenue neutral, fully refunded carbon fee, dividend and border duty. Dr. Joseph majored in biology at Columbia College, earned his medical degree at the University of Michigan and practiced emergency medicine for 35 years in the Bay Area. He served as the department chair for 15 years and was instrumental involved in his hospital’s trauma center development. In 2007, after seeing An Inconvenient Truth, he decided to take on climate change and was accepted in VP Al Gore’s training program, designed to present the grim facts to the public. He’s given almost 200 talks on this subject.