Susan  Feland

Susan Feland

Founder/ President of AcademyWomen, an organization that empowers aspiring, current and past women military leaders, veterans, and military spouse through mentoring, training, and growth opportunities to impact positive change locally, nationally and globally. She leads program and curriculum innovation at the Stanford Graduate School of Business where she regularly works with international leaders at the highest levels to include heads of state, CEOs, military flag officers, non-profit leaders, and government service directors. She speaks French and Portuguese and has worked in space systems acquisitions, as a Professor at the Air Force Academy, and held a variety of different roles at Merrill Lynch, the Hoover Institution, Stanford Graduate School of Business. She is in a selective graduate program at Stanford Graduate School of Business, has an MA from Middlebury College, a Diplome from the Universite de Paris – Sorbonne, and a BS from the United States Air Force Academy.