Mary  Covington President Denials Management, Inc.

Mary Covington President Denials Management, Inc.

Mary Covington is President of Denials Management, Inc., a healthcare advocacy firm specializing in medical and mental health billing, claims and appeals. Mary’s experience in healthcare spans 45 years. Mary started Claims Management, Inc. in 1990, and collected hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for providers. Denials Management, Inc. was started in 2002 and included development of two revenue enhancing software products for healthcare providers. Mary has testified as an insurance expert witness, has consulted with healthcare providers on fraud and abuse, clinical and administrative denials, contracting, and billing. Mary now works primarily with families facing challenging insurance issues related to long-term mental health claims associated with adolescent/young-adult residential and outdoor behavioral health treatment programs. She is continually fighting to recoup funds for families whose claims have been denied.