Shayn  Stavens

Shayn Stavens

Shayn Stavens is an Integrative Nutrition and Wellness Coach specializing in chronic health issues, inflammation and food addiction. He has advanced degrees in Biology, Chemistry, and Nutrition.
Prior to becoming a Wellness Coach Shayn worked in law enforcement, as a State Trooper, and the dietary supplement industry, where he researched ingredients and formulated dietary supplements. As a State Trooper Shayn saw his own health rapidly declining, which made him frustrated and fearful. Knowing a lot of about ingredients, he healed himself, in part, by making healthful eating choices.
Shayn brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to support his clients' transformation in both mind and body. Shayn’s approach to wellness is that the body can totally heal itself when given the right environment. The environment is not set through food and exercise alone, but by creating a balance of spirituality, mindset, and a healthy relationship with food and exercise.