Douglas E.  Noll

Douglas E. Noll

Douglas Noll has been in professional practice for over 35 years as an attorney, mediator, and peacemaker. For the past 20 years, he has dedicated himself to understanding the emotional and biological origins to human conflict. He has worked in places as diverse as Fortune 500 executive suites and maximum security prisons teaching these deep skills and techniques for respectful and effective communication. For his innovative work, Noll has been voted as one of the Best Lawyers in America since 2005 and has been recognized since 2006 as a Northern California Super Lawyer. In 2014, he has been honored as Lawyer of the Year by Best Lawyers in America as well as a Purpose Prize Fellow. Douglas Noll is the author of numerous books, such as Sex, Politics & Religion in the Office and Elusive Peace, winner of the prestigious CPR International Peace and Justice Book Award in 2011. Noll is a faculty member of the Pepperdine School of Law, teaching conflict communication and decision making.