Sat  Shree

Sat Shree

An architect and community activist living in Nevada, Sat Shree experienced a sudden awakening to the spiritual dimension of existence in 1998. “This state arose suddenly without any effort on my part in the midst of an individual human life in one night in 1998. This ‘awakening’ was a glimpse of an utterly different and radical state of being that I now reside in. However back then it was just the beginning of a process that set in motion a transformation that utterly changed reality as I had known it, a process that continues to this day.”
He is now the spiritual director and co-founder along with his wife, Satyamayi, of the New Dharma community in Nevada, where the force that is at work within him is shifting the reality of people that are drawn to it. Sat Shree’s mission is to manifest a new spiritual culture that is in alignment with universal spiritual principles, and by doing so inspire mankind to create a sustainable future.