Dr. Kimberly  McGeorge

Dr. Kimberly McGeorge

Dr. Kimberly has practiced alternative and naturopathic medicine for over 25 years. She began as an herbalist and wrote as an herbal columnist for an international magazine, Open Arms. She created and distributed her own line of herbal organic products through an international mail order company. She also maintained multiple clinical practices in Columbus, Ohio before she began teaching all over the country. In 2010, she began the Secret to Everything radio podcast and the brand was born. She has also participated in many large teleseminars and live appearances. Dr.Kimberly speaks to groups and gives classes on topics of interest to her audience. Kimberly’s outreach has connected to over 25,000 opt-in subscribers and 215,000 twitter followers. She has over 5,000 listeners a month to her own radio show. Her previous FaceBook page reached 17,000 before she closed it. The Secret to Everything also airs on Ztalk radio, iTunes and Stitcher.