Dan  Dowling

Dan Dowling

Our family came from the Midwest, our home being on a small farm in Iowa. After high school graduation, a friend and I joined the Navy together. For a second tour of duty, I served in the Air Force (for 18 years.)

During later Air Force times, I began competing in Benchrest shooting in Arizona. It was there that I met Gale McMillan and was exposed to his fledgling rifle stock business.

Upon retirement from the Air Force in 1978, I attended Gunsmithing School in Wheatridge, Colorado. I began my Gunsmithing operation while attending the School of Trades. Our operation is bolt-action rifle work, with the main focus on benchrest rifles and similar high accuracy rifles.

McMillan stocks has been an important part of our business over all these years, and they have contributed greatly to the high quality of our product.