Reilly  Gardine

Reilly Gardine

Reilly Gardine is a student of nutrition, personal trainer, animal rights activist, and has a passion for health. They will be graduating in the spring with a BS in dietetics from UC Berkeley, with internship experiences studying organic agriculture, whole foods nutrition, and nutrition research. They have a plan to go on to naturopathic medical school after graduation, where they hope to learn traditional and holistic healing practices, in order to help other individuals on their own journeys to health and vitality, naturally. They are also a certified personal trainer, devoted to helping clients achieve their best selves through functional fitness techniques that encourage body positivity regardless of fitness level. They have been vegan for over 6 six years, and emphasize the importance of plant based whole foods. Additionally, they stress the need to include the animals’ perspective when discussing nutrition, and are involved in the growing fight for animal liberation.