Henda  Salmeron

Henda Salmeron

Henda Salmeron is an award winning real estate broker with Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate in Dallas, Texas. She arrived in the United States in 1990 with the American dream of success. She is a breast cancer survivor since 2009 and became an activist in the fight regarding dense breast tissue. Her personal journey and lobbying led to “Henda’s Law” and a change to the standard of care. She just published her memoir “Grit Under My Nails: A Memoir in Three Acts.” As an avid adventurist, ultra-extreme endurance athlete and adrenaline driven type A, Henda has traveled the globe to create a lifetime of memories, both under and above the water. She has never met a challenge she hasn’t loved and seeks fun and happiness every day. She has added author and motivational speaker to her resume in addition to being her kids’ mom.