Chandan  Parameswara

Chandan Parameswara

Director, Center for Inner Studies. Chandan is a lecturer, instructor, engineer, and an avid student of energetic healing and spiritual subjects. He travels all across the US teaching several Pranic Healing and Meditation courses, and speaking on related topics. His classes are packed with information and he helps people to gain a deeper understanding of energetic concepts and ways they can implement what they have learned into their everyday lives, to better their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Chandan was trained in Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga under its founder GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui as well as His senior disciples. He works with Master Stephen Co of U.S Pranic Healing Center and is currently a licensed instructor of MCKS Pranic Healing®. He is the founder of Center for Inner Studies with a mission to spread Spiritual Teachings and Seva Circle, a non-profit dedicated to helping those in need.