John  Jackson

John Jackson

John brings over 40 years of industry leadership and is widely regarded as an early and current visionary in enterprise Business Continuity, Crisis Mgmt. and Disaster Recovery. John was awarded the BCI's first ever North American Lifetime Achievement Award and has been awarded an honorary FBCI (Fellow designation) certification from the BCI based on his experience and contributions to the industry. John founded Chi/Cor’s Disaster Recovery consulting practice and launched the industry’s first BC / DR software product, TRPS, in 1980. In 18 years at Comdisco, he ran their Operations and Consulting businesses, European continuity operations from 1994 - 1996 and was named president 1999. John joined Fusion in the fall of 2005. John serves on the Executive Advisory Board of DRJl and the Editorial Advisory Boards for Continuity Insights and the Disaster Resource Guide. Currently, John serves as Vice Chair of Enterprise Risk Management for the InfraGard National Members Alliance.