Sandra  Fish

Sandra Fish

Sandra Fish is a Co-Founder of the Humane Prison Hospice Project. An actor, writer, caregiver, with decades of passion for prison reform and EOL issues, she taught in Riker’s Island Prison, worked as an employment specialist for newly released prisoners in Manhattan, attended ex-prisoner support groups, sat in on parole hearings, and visited SingSing to observe classrooms there. While working with older newly released prisoners, she heard time and time again, “I’ll never go back, if I go back, I’ll die in prison, I don’t want to die in prison, I don’t want to die in prison”. Sandra cannot get that out of her head or heart and will not give up on the mission to make sure there is end of life care, with prisoners giving the volunteer care in every prison. Currently Sandra is Co-Chair for San Francisco End of Life Network and has trained and worked as a hospice volunteer with added training in pediatric hospice and vigil.