Elle Stahlhut  Roetzel

Elle Stahlhut Roetzel

As a Breakthrough Coach, Author, and Speaker, Elle encourages you to be free from the lens of your past and step into and experience the intimacy of Christ’s love for you.
In Elle’s recent book, Bridal Redemption, Heal Your Past and Live Victoriously through the Intimacy of Christ’s Love, she shares her testimony of Christ’s healing power and the depth of His love through a revelation of the Bride of Christ. She has developed the Transformational Journey coaching packages, based on her book so that others can experience this same healing and intimacy in their own lives.
Elles is a Certified Coach with Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention, has a B.A. in Finance and worked as a Financial Asset Administrator/College Ministry Director. Elle has a Practical Ministry Certification through International School of Ministry and has been leading Bible studies and mentoring women for over 20 years. Her testimony of healing has aired throughout the world on the Angel Network Channel.