Latha  Prabhakar

Latha Prabhakar

Latha Prabhakar is an AADP board certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She calls herself The Moon Cycle Coach. After suffering from painful irregular cycles, and being diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovaries and infertility, she found her inner healing through holistic methods.
Since she conceived naturally and had a beautiful home birth, she has a passion for helping women experience soulful healing of their sacred feminine cycle just like her. She specializes in mentoring women suffering from PCOS and infertility. She coaches them in diet, lifestyle, wellness, nutrition, energy balancing, spirituality to experience their soulful healing. As a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition she has been trained in over one hundred dietary theories as well as a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods.
She is also studying to be a Holistic Health Practitioner and a Naturopathic Practitioner. Find out more about her work at