Dee  Grimm

Dee Grimm

Dee Grimm RN, JD has over 30 years’ experience as an emergency department nurse & mgr., and as a healthcare emergency preparedness mgr.. She has served as a consulting instructor with CDP/FEMA’s Noble Training Center. She holds a Juris Doctorate in Law and is a recognized SME in Emergency Mgmt. legal and ethical issues. She's worked with local, regional and state jurisdictions to build community resiliency by developing emergency ops plans, managing state EM projects, and coordinating exercises. She served as the PM for Nevada’s statewide Mass Care, Evacuation and Shelter Initiative, for the statewide Mass Fatality Plans Project and for the statewide Continuity of Operations Planning Initiative. Currently, Dee provides PM oversight on consulting and training programs. Dee's real-life experiences with incident mgmt. include Hurricane’s Ike, Alex and Harvey, 2008 Northern California fires, Haitian Earthquake, Reno Air Race crash, 2011 Reno Caughlin Fire and the Ebola Outbreak.