Mamie  Lamley

Mamie Lamley

I am a Warrior, a Life Long Learner, Influencer and Founder of Empowerment on Fire. I stand for women like myself, who once felt invisible - move to INVINCIBLE! My mission is to teach, lead, and inspire 21 million women to step into their power; to lift-up their voices and communicate their values, vision, vows; and to speak their message into existence with precision and connection!
My life focus is providing systems, science and solutions for women worldwide using an alternative currency known as “People Currency.” I served the King’s Charities of Thailand, United Nations, Philippines Chamber of Commerce, and Special Olympics where I was inducted into the “Hall of Fame” for 35-years of service impacting over 12,000 participants and 20,000 volunteers. I invite you to share in my journey to becoming an Empowered Leader exploring new beginnings, new momentum, new mindset, new focus, with new results.