Scott Ream

Scott Ream

Mr. Ream founded Virtual Corporation in 1994 to assist organizations with implementation of scaled, sustainable BC programs. Virtual Corporation has applied this adaptable, process-centric methodology large organizations including Nike, Kaiser Permanente, Sanofi-Aventis, Boeing and News Corporation. He has written numerous articles on the subject of BC maturity and is a frequent speaker at conferences. In Oct 2003, Virtual Corporation released the Open Access Business Continuity Maturity Model® based on seven years of industry research led by Mr. Ream supported by a 40+ cross-industry team of BC professionals. This landmark model provides an objective measure of BC program implementation and “state-of-preparedness.” Mr. Ream has a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Entrepreneurial Business Development from the University of Pennsylvania; a combined undergraduate degree from the Moore School of Electrical Engineering and the Wharton School of Business.