Lauren Wise

Lauren Wise

Lauren Wise learned at a young age that she was a creative soul. When she was only fourteen, she would send unsolicited scripts for episodes of Dawson’s Creek to Kevin Williamson the creator. Coming by it naturally – Lauren was the grand-daughter of a painter and the daughter of a dentist who moonlights as a DIY craftsman. Having held many jobs in her life, while working on her Fine Arts degree at Concordia University and majoring in Contemporary Dance, before deciding to become an author. Lauren taught herself how to direct, and produced several projects throughout her early career, only writing part-time, but then her daughter was born in 2007 and she realized soon after that if she was going to teach her daughter to chase her dreams, she needed to start chasing her own. Ten years later, her books, Swap Club, and Swap Club Year Two have been published. With Swap Club Year Three coming out in Spring 2019.