Lance Schiffman

Lance Schiffman

Lance’s endeavors read like a roll call: philanthropist, entrepreneur, adventurer, investor, author, speaker, consultant, coach, humanitarian, advisor, and closest to his heart a father to three beautiful girls. Through his adventures, he personally challenges himself and those around him to achieve the ultimate and reach beyond the perceived impossible. Living this philosophy has lead Lance to his latest venture, a visionary online community to create efficiencies for non-profits globally. Look at the meaning of Genshai and you will understand Lance and the mission of this organization. (Genshai – never treat anyone in a manner which makes them feel small, including yourself), and newest books, “The Sense in Wonder,” and “Genshai Effect” which will be released 2018. Lance utilized his varied business and life experiences and identified the elements of wonder, activation points on your personal grid and uses this as a platform to educate others on how to play full out and create a more engaged world. To learn more about Lance and Genshai, visit them online at