Bill Fischer

Bill Fischer

William?Fischer is Professor of Innovation Management at IMD. He co-founded & co-directs the IMD program on Driving Strategic Innovation, in cooperation with the Sloan School of Management at MIT & authors a regular column for “The Ideas Business,” Engineer by training, American by citizenship,?Bill has lived much of his life in Asia & Europe. He held a full-professorship at UNC- Chapel Hill, first moved to China in 1980, & later became President of China Europe International Business School. He has been awarded the Silver Magnolia award, Shanghai’s highest award for foreigners contributing to the city’s development. ? He joined IMD & was part of the team that developed the Managerial Deep Dive process for improved innovation conversations. ? His most recent books include: Reinventing Giants: How Chinese Global Competitor Haier has Changed the Way that Big Companies Transform, The Idea Hunter & Virtuoso Teams.