Mr. Dick Ross

Mr. Dick Ross

Dick Ross has worked for Avanti Technologies as a consultant since 2008. In that capacity he has primarily supported the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and OSD (R&E) Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures Office. He retired from full time government service in 2007, and resides in Reno, Nevada. From 2001 to 2007 he was a Government Project Lead in US Joint Forces Command, Joint Experimentation Directorate (J9). He was responsible for brokering with DOD, academia and industry science and technology organizations and coordinating efforts to insert promising technologies into the USJFCOM near term experimentation effort. In that position Dick was also responsible for coordinating and serving as liaison to DARPA. From 1998 to 2000, he was a senior military analyst providing contract support to USJFCOM and U.S. Atlantic Fleet. In that capacity he was responsible for the first DARPA /J9 joint limited objective experiment partnering effort.