Silke Schwarzkopf

Silke Schwarzkopf

Silke Schwarzkopf is a seasoned producer specialized in script-to-screen production of marketing, training, and communications programming. For over two decades, she co-owned and operated an award-winning production company best known for healthcare, and health and fitness related programming. Shortly after her 50th birthday, Silke took a leap of faith, left an unfulfilled 25-year marriage, and returned to her hometown in SoCal to follow her dreams, and pursue the development of original programming most pertinent to her evolving reality – starting over after 50! A life-long advocate of health, fitness, and living life to the fullest, Silke founded 2nd Act TV, a digital channel focused on recreating life after 50 and taking charge of your physical, emotional, and sexual health. As Executive Producer and Host, Silke is living her motto: "It’s never too late to be the person you always wanted to be."