Glenn Ackerman

Glenn Ackerman

Glenn Ackerman is the creator of Energy Awareness Training. After watching his mother suffer from physical and emotional pain the doctors could not find a cause for Glenn began his relentless search and understanding for healing methods that could help his mother. This search caused Glenn to be more in tuned with his own issues with anxiety, fears and panic attacks. He learned and applied many different methods in his search for wholeness. From traditional counseling and talk therapy, to reading books, taking seminars, doing training, to more Out there methods like fire walking, sweat lodges, vision quests, group dynamics, NLP and many other various healing methods. With a combination of methods Glenn was able to heal himself. He learned the power of releasing this negative energy and began helping others. This training spread like wildfire because of its power and ability to make rapid and lasting changes in people who had previously tried for years to find answers but could not.